Hebrews 10:26-38 - Christ Is Greater: Living By Faith - The Church That Does Not Shrink Back
In what ways is the danger of walking away from the church relevant to us today? Why is it important to follow Jesus in covenant with His people in a local church body? How can we know that we will receive what is promised to us in the new covenant?
Hebrews 10:19-31 - Christ Is Greater: Living By Faith - The Church
How do we, as members, find our place of belonging in the church body? How do we stir up good works in one another as members? Why is it important to embrace our membership?
Hebrews 10:1-18 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Sacrifice
How do we find the security we need to live and flourish? How does that security relate to the forgiveness God offers in Christ? Why is it important to understand that God forgives and credits us with Christ’s righteousness?
Hebrews 9:15-28 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Redeemer
How do we find the happy, blessed life we’re all searching for? How does that question relate to Jesus’ establishment of a new covenant? What does it look like to live as an heir of an eternal inheritance?
Hebrews 9:1-14 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Mosaic Covenant - Christ as Purifier
We were created to serve the living God, but our service is corrupted by our self-absoption. What does it mean to serve the living God? Why is that service distorted? How can we get a clean conscience?
Hebrews 8 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Covenant Mediator
All of us were made for relaionship. How does Jesus bring us into relationship with God? How is this different from the way God related to us in the past? What does it look like for us to walk in relatinship with God through Christ by the Spirit now?
Hebrews 7 - Christ Is Greater: Than Melchizedek - Christ as Whole Priest
All of us have a hole within us. All of us strive to makes ourselves whole, but it never works. How can we stand confidently? How can we be made right and healthy and peaceful?
Hebrews 5:11-6:20 - Christ Is Greater: Than Aaron - Christ as Hope
Growing up is hard. What are the obstacles to maturity? How can we grow up? What confidence can we have that growing up is possible?
Hebrews 4:14-5:10 - Christ Is Greater: Than Aaron - Christ as Priest
Where do you go when you need help? Do you know the help you really need? How does God help us in Christ? What does it mean that Jesus is our great high priest?
Hebrews 3:1-6 - Christ Is Greater: Than Moses - Christ the Faithful Servant
How can we hold fast to Jesus in the midst of the church’s wilderness? How is Jesus superior to Moses?
Hebrews 2:14-18 - Christ Is Greater: Than Angels - Christ as Helper
How can we face temptation and trial? How does Jesus help us?
Hebrews 1:1-2:18 - Christ Is Greater: Than Angels - Creator, Sustainer, Heir
Is Jesus Christ a creature of greater power and glroy like angels? Many religions affirm the importance of angels but subordinate his status to that of a lower god, angel, or prophet. But Hebrews tells us that Jesus Christ is the eternal God, the Creator, Sustainer, and Heir of all things.
Sabbath Rest on the Lord’s Day
Is the 4th Commandment regarding the Sabbath still in effect for Christians? What is Sabbath rest for? How does the Sabbath relate to Christ? How do we live out and practice Sabbath rest?
Jonah 4:1-11 - Mercy for the Envious
What is envy? Why are we drawn to this vice when it, alone among the vices, gives no clear, direct pleasure? What can we do about our struggle with envy?
Jonah 3:1-10 - Mercy for the Repentant
What does true repentance look like? Is there mercy for those whose repentance is shallow or immature? How do we repent to others and to God?
Jonah 3:1-5 - Mercy for the Violent
How and why does idolatry necessarily shape us for violence? Is there mercy for those whose lives have been committed to violence?
Jonah 1:17-2:10 - Mercy for Weak Faith
Is there mercy for those with immature and incomplete faith? What if our repentance is not deep enough? What if we still don’t fully see our sin?