Deuteronomy 31-34 - Fidelity and Mission - The Fear of the Lord
Why should we fear God? How does God want us to fear Him? How does the fear of God fuel our obedience and mission?

Deuteronomy 19-22 - Fidelity and Mission - Beautiful Justice
How does God’s character shape our view of justice? Where do we start seeking justice? What does it mean to be a just Christian?

Deuteronomy 5 - Fidelity and Mission - The Law: A Manual for Mission
Why does love not oppose the law? Does love or obedience come first? How does the law bring us freedom?

Psalm 139 - Worship and Wisdom - Knowing and Being Known
What do we do with our innate desire to be known and loved? How can we find confidence in God’s knowledge? Do we trust that God is still with us and knows our suffering?
Selections from Proverbs - Worship and Wisdom - Parenting
Are we attuned to our children and how they experience our discipline? How can we make discipline an invitation back into delight? What keeps us from cultivating discipline and delight well?

Psalm 32 - Worship and Wisdom - Being Forgiven
Do we believe that God isn’t reluctant to forgive us? What is the difference between true confession and complaining? How does confession make room for the blessing that is already ours?

Hebrews 13:7-17 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Obeying Church Leaders
What are we imitators of? Why are we to follow the leaders that God has put in place? How do our concerns tell us about where our heart is?

Hebrews 12:3-11 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Enduring Amid Discipline
What are the dangers we may face amidst our suffering? Why does our growth require hardship? How can we have hope intertwined with our grief?

Hebrews 10:19-31 - Christ Is Greater: Living By Faith - The Church
How do we, as members, find our place of belonging in the church body? How do we stir up good works in one another as members? Why is it important to embrace our membership?

Hebrews 8 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Covenant Mediator
All of us were made for relaionship. How does Jesus bring us into relationship with God? How is this different from the way God related to us in the past? What does it look like for us to walk in relatinship with God through Christ by the Spirit now?

Hebrews 2:14-18 - Christ Is Greater: Than Angels - Christ as Helper
How can we face temptation and trial? How does Jesus help us?

Jonah 4:1-11 - Mercy for the Envious
What is envy? Why are we drawn to this vice when it, alone among the vices, gives no clear, direct pleasure? What can we do about our struggle with envy?