The Presbyterian Church in America
At Trinity, we believe the Holy Scriptures are true, and so we confess the orthodox Christian faith summarized in the Apostles’ Creed and affirm the moral vision and teachings held throughout the history of the Church. We are a Protestant and Reformed Church that is evangelical in that we believe in the centrality of the gospel of Jesus Christ and catholic in that we understand ourselves to be but one member of the church universally spread throughout the world and through history.
Trinity Church belongs to the Piedmont Triad Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA, est. 1973), a collection of more than 1,600 churches throughout the United States and Canada with over 390,000 members, which are united by our doctrine found in the Westminster Standards, accountable to abide by the Book of Church Order, and partnered in mission in North America and globally.
Members of Trinity Church do not have to share our presbyterian convictions but must only believe in Jesus Christ and be baptized. Leaders of Trinity Church must sincerely receive and adopt the doctrinal standards of the PCA.