Deuteronomy 30 - Fidelity and Mission - Choose Life
What choice has God given us? What does it look like to choose life every day? What are the blessings God promised his people?

Deuteronomy 12-13 - Fidelity and Mission - The Gospel of the Conquest and the Conquest of the Gospel
Is God more or less patient with corruption in His people compared to the other nations? How does idolatry lead us back into slavery? Why is our everyday fight for holiness part of the gospel conquest?

Deuteronomy 4 - Fidelity and Mission - The Joy of Obedience and the Supremacy of God
Why do we have a natural recoil to obedience? Where are our fears and conceptions of obedience rooted? How is our obedience for others too?

Psalm 10 - Worship and Wisdom - Praying for Justice
When we pray for justice, who are we praying for? How can justice prayer be an act of enemy love? What are we asking God to do in a justice prayer?

Hebrews 13:1-3 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Love, Hospitality, and Visitation of Fellow Saints
What makes our love strange as Christians? Why is our hospitality a way in which we ought to move through the world? How is this call to love an invitation to the life we’ve always wanted?

Hebrews 12:1-3 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Enduring in Faith
What does it look like to believe that Jesus is better than everywhere else we search for joy? Why do we need more than just a perfect example? How can our confidence in promised future joy create present joy?

Hebrews 10:1-18 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Sacrifice
How do we find the security we need to live and flourish? How does that security relate to the forgiveness God offers in Christ? Why is it important to understand that God forgives and credits us with Christ’s righteousness?

Hebrews 7 - Christ Is Greater: Than Melchizedek - Christ as Whole Priest
All of us have a hole within us. All of us strive to makes ourselves whole, but it never works. How can we stand confidently? How can we be made right and healthy and peaceful?

Hebrews 3:1-6 - Christ Is Greater: Than Moses - Christ the Faithful Servant
How can we hold fast to Jesus in the midst of the church’s wilderness? How is Jesus superior to Moses?

Jonah 3:1-5 - Mercy for the Violent
How and why does idolatry necessarily shape us for violence? Is there mercy for those whose lives have been committed to violence?

Psalm 77 - Praying with a Shattered Soul
What do you do when even the thought of God hurts?