Deuteronomy 24 - Fidelity and Mission - A Faithful People
What is God’s intention for relationships? Why should we seek to maintain relationships? Where can we find the power to live in relationship?
Deuteronomy 23 - Fidelity and Mission - God in Our Midst
Why do we forget God is with us? What does it look like to walk in the Spirit? How is breaking God’s law inconsistent with walking in his Spirit?
Deuteronomy 16-18 - Fidelity and Mission - Prophet, Priest, and King
What do we owe leaders? What can we expect of leaders? How is Jesus the greatest leader?
Deuteronomy 10:12-11:32 - Fidelity and Mission - Circumcised Hearts
Where do we find the power to get clean hearts? What is an indicator of a new heart? Why must we continually invite cleansing after our hearts have been circumcised?
Deuteronomy 7-10 - Fidelity and Mission - The Blessing and Responsibility of Election
What does it mean to have God's love set upon us? How are we to live as God's chosen people? What should our response to election be?
Deuteronomy 6 - Fidelity and Mission - Covenant and Mission: The One Faith
Do we allow anything to rival our allegiance to our one God? How do we live in total covenant love and loyalty to God? In what ways does God want to renew and bless us?
Deuteronomy 1-3 - Fidelity and Mission - Our Story and God’s Faithfulness
Why must we remember our story? Do we trust that God will remain faithful to us? How can we renew our story and reconnect to God's story?
Psalm 133 - Worship and Wisdom - Dwelling in Unity
How is unity separate from uniformity? Do we recognize that God created us to dwell in His presence in unity? In what ways do we contribute to conflict and division?
Psalm 127 - Worship and Wisdom - God’s Building and Ours
In what ways should our ministry look like Jesus' ministry? Do we have confidence that God is at work in us as we work to grow? Why might we change in ways which we don't anticipate?
Psalm 126 - Worship and Wisdom - Longing for the Restoration of Joy
What should we pray for in our relationships? Are we confident that restoration will come, whether in this life or the next? How can we rationally trust in the promises of resurrection and restoration?
Psalm 122 - Worship and Wisdom - Worship in Joy
How is worship a refuge for us? Why is it essential for us to have fellow believers to guide us and encourage us in healthy ways of worship? What is a proper attitude toward worship?
Psalm 120 - Worship and Wisdom - Deliver us from Lying Lips
Do we trust that every lie was proved wrong on the cross? Why aren’t we wholly people of peace? How can we live radically dedicated to truth?
Hebrews 13:18-25 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - The Blessed Trinity
How does blessing describe what God has done for us and to us? Why does living in right relationship with God enable us to live in love and peace? How does God give us the grace we need to do His will?
Hebrews 13:5-6 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Free From the Love of Money
What are some of the pitfalls trusting in money as our security? Why can’t we love both God and money? How do we trust that God will provide security for us?
Hebrews 13:4 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Marriage and Fidelity
What is the aim of Christian marriage? Why should marriage be held in honor by all? How does God restore us when we are defiled?
Hebrews 12:25-29 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - A Final Warning
What is our response to God’s warning? Why is it vital to give thanks in the midst of our suffering? How does Christ keep our lives from being shaken?
Hebrews 12:18-24 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - The Hope of the Finish Line
What is the difference between true hope and shallow hope? Why should we slow down and become present in joy? How can we pour our hearts out to God in hardship, without fear of the future?
Hebrews 12:12-17 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - The Shape of Endurance
What does faithful endurance look like? Why shouldn’t we count our inheritance lightly? How does grace help us build resilience?
Hebrews 12:1-3 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Christ as the Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith
Who do we believe Jesus is? How can we see God’s power and plan verified through Christ’s death and resurrection? What are we running toward in life?
Hebrews 11:4-40 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - The Feeble Faith of Giants
How do we keep our faith when we experience suffering? How can we find our satisfaction in knowing God? What does it mean to live faithfully?