John 9:1-41 - The Gospel of John - The Enlightening Light
What is the human condition? How can we be blind to ourselves? How does Jesus help us see differently?

John 8:31-59 - The Gospel of John - The Liberating Son
What is true freedom? How does the Devil seek to distort the truth? How can Jesus set us free?

John 8:12-29 - The Gospel of John - The Light of the World
What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world? How do we live in darkness? How should the cross humble us?

Deuteronomy 24 - Fidelity and Mission - A Faithful People
What is God’s intention for relationships? Why should we seek to maintain relationships? Where can we find the power to live in relationship?

Deuteronomy 23 - Fidelity and Mission - God in Our Midst
Why do we forget God is with us? What does it look like to walk in the Spirit? How is breaking God’s law inconsistent with walking in his Spirit?

Deuteronomy 16-18 - Fidelity and Mission - Prophet, Priest, and King
What do we owe leaders? What can we expect of leaders? How is Jesus the greatest leader?

Deuteronomy 10:12-11:32 - Fidelity and Mission - Circumcised Hearts
Where do we find the power to get clean hearts? What is an indicator of a new heart? Why must we continually invite cleansing after our hearts have been circumcised?

Deuteronomy 7-10 - Fidelity and Mission - The Blessing and Responsibility of Election
What does it mean to have God's love set upon us? How are we to live as God's chosen people? What should our response to election be?

Deuteronomy 6 - Fidelity and Mission - Covenant and Mission: The One Faith
Do we allow anything to rival our allegiance to our one God? How do we live in total covenant love and loyalty to God? In what ways does God want to renew and bless us?

Deuteronomy 1-3 - Fidelity and Mission - Our Story and God’s Faithfulness
Why must we remember our story? Do we trust that God will remain faithful to us? How can we renew our story and reconnect to God's story?

Psalm 133 - Worship and Wisdom - Dwelling in Unity
How is unity separate from uniformity? Do we recognize that God created us to dwell in His presence in unity? In what ways do we contribute to conflict and division?

Psalm 127 - Worship and Wisdom - God’s Building and Ours
In what ways should our ministry look like Jesus' ministry? Do we have confidence that God is at work in us as we work to grow? Why might we change in ways which we don't anticipate?