Deuteronomy 31-34 - Fidelity and Mission - The Fear of the Lord
Why should we fear God? How does God want us to fear Him? How does the fear of God fuel our obedience and mission?

Deuteronomy 4 - Fidelity and Mission - The Joy of Obedience and the Supremacy of God
Why do we have a natural recoil to obedience? Where are our fears and conceptions of obedience rooted? How is our obedience for others too?

Deuteronomy 1-3 - Fidelity and Mission - Our Story and God’s Faithfulness
Why must we remember our story? Do we trust that God will remain faithful to us? How can we renew our story and reconnect to God's story?

Jonah 1:1-17 - The Boundless Mercy of God
Are we more merciful than God? How do we treat “the other” that’s different than us? What’s our attitude toward “the other”?