Deuteronomy 6 - Fidelity and Mission - Covenant and Mission: The One Faith
Do we allow anything to rival our allegiance to our one God? How do we live in total covenant love and loyalty to God? In what ways does God want to renew and bless us?
Deuteronomy 1-3 - Fidelity and Mission - Our Story and God’s Faithfulness
Why must we remember our story? Do we trust that God will remain faithful to us? How can we renew our story and reconnect to God's story?
Hebrews 13:4 - Christ Is Greater: Living by Faith - Marriage and Fidelity
What is the aim of Christian marriage? Why should marriage be held in honor by all? How does God restore us when we are defiled?
Hebrews 10:1-18 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Sacrifice
How do we find the security we need to live and flourish? How does that security relate to the forgiveness God offers in Christ? Why is it important to understand that God forgives and credits us with Christ’s righteousness?
Hebrews 9:15-28 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Redeemer
How do we find the happy, blessed life we’re all searching for? How does that question relate to Jesus’ establishment of a new covenant? What does it look like to live as an heir of an eternal inheritance?
Hebrews 9:1-14 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Mosaic Covenant - Christ as Purifier
We were created to serve the living God, but our service is corrupted by our self-absoption. What does it mean to serve the living God? Why is that service distorted? How can we get a clean conscience?
Hebrews 8 - Christ Is Greater: Than the Old Covenant - Christ as Covenant Mediator
All of us were made for relaionship. How does Jesus bring us into relationship with God? How is this different from the way God related to us in the past? What does it look like for us to walk in relatinship with God through Christ by the Spirit now?