Deuteronomy 31-34 - Fidelity and Mission - The Fear of the Lord
Why should we fear God? How does God want us to fear Him? How does the fear of God fuel our obedience and mission?
Deuteronomy 12-13 - Fidelity and Mission - The Gospel of the Conquest and the Conquest of the Gospel
Is God more or less patient with corruption in His people compared to the other nations? How does idolatry lead us back into slavery? Why is our everyday fight for holiness part of the gospel conquest?
Psalm 133 - Worship and Wisdom - Dwelling in Unity
How is unity separate from uniformity? Do we recognize that God created us to dwell in His presence in unity? In what ways do we contribute to conflict and division?
Psalm 122 - Worship and Wisdom - Worship in Joy
How is worship a refuge for us? Why is it essential for us to have fellow believers to guide us and encourage us in healthy ways of worship? What is a proper attitude toward worship?